We are fortunate to have a Clinical Nurse Specialist Team consisting of Layla Vaughan who is our cancer care coordinator and two Clinical Nurse Specialists, Rachel O’Shea who looks after our cancer patients on a systematic pathway and Pippa Woodcock who looks after our patients on the surgical pathway, including Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion (DELCATH). Whilst Pippa is the main point of contact for our patients undergoing Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion (DELCATH), by working as a team they ensure that there is cover available throughout the year during period of leave.
What can you expect?
Our Clinical Nurse Specialist will make contact with you before your admission. They talk you through what to expect on admission and throughout your admission and after discharge. They will also answer questions you may have, or find the answer for you if not immediately to hand. They will complete a pre-assessment questionnaire with you and will explain the investigations required and arrange for your bloods and swabs to be done and make the necessary appointments. You will have access to their mobile so that if between them calling and your admission you have any other queries or concerns, you will be able to contact them during the week.
Whilst you are in hospital, they will visit you daily on the ward and will be able to answer questions as well as giving you advice about what to expect after discharge. At discharge they will make sure that you have the oncology 24/7 contact number for any urgent clinical concerns.
Our Nurse Specialists will continue to follow you up for the first four weeks following the procedure to see how you are progressing, complete the quality of life questionnaire and answer any queries or concerns you or your family may have. They are there is provide both clinical and emotional and are able to signpost you to more help and support if you need it. They are available during normal working hours for clinical and emotional support and will liaise with your consultants about any interventions that may be required. They work closely with our co-ordinator Debbie Brooks to make your treatment as streamlined as possible.
Contact Numbers:
Pippa Woodcock Work Mobile: 07936 940369
When on leave this will be forwarded to Rachel O’Shea.
If you prefer to email then we use a group mail box to ensure that someone responds during the week: SouOncologyCNS@spirehealthcare.com, this mail box can be accessed by the Clinical Nurse Specialist and means that even if Pippa is away, one of the team will respond during the normal working week.
24/7 Oncology Emergency telephone number: 07519 108 442
which is the telephone number you can call if you feel unwell following your treatment. For instance if you have a temperature higher than 37.5C or lower than 36.0c, any signs of an infection (for example, shivering episodes, flu like symptoms, chest infection), persistent nausea or vomiting or and diarrhoea or any other problem you think may be related to your treatment.